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Restore your natural features and gain confidence!

Daisy Skin’s Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) is a technical and intuitive treatment designed to work with the bodies natural healing process. CIT treats the following skin concerns: 


  • Fine lines / wrinkles

  • Large pores / Clogged pores

  • Pitting / scarring 

  • Acne

TONE (Pigmentation)

  • Hyper-Pigmentation

  • Sun Damage

  • Age Spots

  • Melasma

SCARRING (Face & Body)

  • Acne scarring

  • Surgery Scars

  • Accident / Trauma Scars

+ Broken Capillaries

How does Collagen Induction Therapy work?

How does Daisy Skin's Collagen Induction Therapy work?

Daisy Skin use advanced digital equipment with medical grade technology to safely create micro channels into the dermis layer of the skin.

As a response to the micro channels, the body naturally releases Growth Factors which are responsible for generating new healthy skin cells and repairing a complex network of Collagen & Elastin.

Together with clinical formulations, this process essentially heals the skin from inside out.

Each clients skin is different, therefore your therapist will be guided by your bodies natural healing response throughout the treatment.

Collagen Induction Therapy is also commonly referred to as Medical MicroNeedling and Advanced Skin Needling.

before after collagen induction therapy

- Texture improved

- Tone improved

- Wrinkles & Capillaries reduced

crows feet wrinkles reduced

- Eye wrinkles reduced

- Brighter skin

- Capillaries reduced

Collagen Induction Therapy Pricing

10% OFF marked prices until 31/12/24
Quote: "SAVE10" when booking

Pigmentation / Wrinkles

Teenage Acne

Scarring / Stretchmarks


In-person consultation prior to first treatment.

To discuss your future Collagen Induction treatments, a complimentary Consultation must be booked via Daisy Skin's online booking system.

The free Consultation is reserved for personalised questions and a customised treatment plan. For this reason it is important that you read all information available on this webpage, including the Frequently Asked Questions. 

​Please take the time to read our Booking Policy prior to booking in. 

  • What is the Lip Blush PROCESS?
    All Cosmetic Tattoo's are a 2-step process (minimum): The first appointment focuses on design & colour. The second appointment builds on the colour saturation and is an opportunity to make any small adjustments. Dark Lip Neutralisation's usually require a minimum of three (3) treatments up to twelve (12) weeks apart. ​ You will be asked to apply the First numbing cream yourself and arrive to your appointment with it still in place. Your comfort is a high priority throughout the treatment, therefore the use of two different numbing creams will assist. Some clients are super comfortable that they fall asleep! A complimentary After-Care pack will be supplied at your initial appointment so that you can take care of your new Lip Blush tattoo.
  • Is Lip Blush tattoo SAFE?
    Only Cosmetic Tattoo professionals with Lip Tattoo and Infection Control certification should perform Lip Blush as there are many factors to consider before and throughout the application. Daisy Skin only use the highest quality pigments suitable for cosmetic tattoo that are certified vegan and sterilised by gamma radiation. Strict hygiene is adhered to for all treatments at Daisy Skin, together with proper use and disposal of single-use EO gas sterilised needle cartridges.
  • Is there any DOWNTIME after getting Lip Blush?
    Immediately following the LIP BLUSH procedure, you will be encouraged to do an ice-compress to reduce future swelling. Whilst the lips may still be numb and feel very plump, it is safe to return to light duties for the remainder of the day. Be sure to familiarise yourself with Your Care Guide to optimise results!
  • How long does Lip Blush tattoo LAST?
    Generally a Lip Blush tattoo can stay vibrant for up to 18 months. It is recommended that your Cosmetic Tattoo be 'ColourBoosted' once every 12-18 months to keep it looking fresh. It is always great to remember that as everyones skin is unique therefore the longevity of any tattoo is dependent on your lifestyle, medications and how closely the Pre-Care and Post-Care guidelines are followed.
  • How does a Lip Blush cosmetic tattoo COMPARE TO BODY TATTOOS?
    This is a great question as many people dive into getting a cosmetic tattoo believing it is permanent like their body tattoos! This is not the case at all (unless your Cosmetic Tattooist has incorrectly used body ink). Semi-permanent makeup is designed to enhance your natural facial features, so the specially formulated cosmetic pigments are designed to fade as you age. Allow us to explain further. With aging comes skin laxity (reduction in collagen & elastin), therefore an increase in wrinkles. Imagine having permanent ink on your face that no longer enhances your features, but makes you appear older or washed out? Your face is a canvas you look at every day. Remember it is a GREAT thing that cosmetic tattoos are semi-permanent!
  • My lips are UNEVEN. Can Lip Blush correct my lip SYMMETRY?
    With our faces anatomically not symmetrical, lips can be uneven at birth or have been changed from an accident, stroke, surgery, treatment or viral infection. Generally, Lip Blush tattoo will not go outside the natural lip border because the lip and skin tissue will metabolise the pigment at different rates. This means that the lip and skin tissue will fade at different times, requiring more regular treatments. By special request Daisy Skin can tattoo outside of the natural lip border to correct asymmetry. Clients that have permanently lost lip pigment can RESTORE their lip pigmentation to achieve a "full lip" again. Please note that Lip Restoration Cosmetic Tattoos generally require 2-3 appointments 6-12 weeks apart (depending on skin tone).
  • I have very sensitive skin. Is a PATCH TEST available?
    Patch Tests are recommended for clients who have a history of skin inflammation or concerned about a possible inflammatory reaction to the permanent makeup procedure. The Patch Test is a comprehensive test using ALL instruments and agents used throughout the Permanent Makeup application (including but not limited to: nitrile gloves, drafting pencils, alcohol wipe, medical marker, topical numbing creams, sterile needle cartridge, pigment, wipes, aftercare etc). ​ The test itself is performed in a discrete area behind the ear. This location is sensitive and most similar to the skin on your face. If no allergic reaction is present after 7 days of the Patch Test an Initial Tattoo booking can be made. Discuss your skin sensitivity at your consult. Comprehensive Patch Tests are $75.
  • [MUST READ] Am I a GOOD CANDIDATE for Lip Blush Tattoo?
    You are NOT suitable if you are: Under 18 Pregnant ​ You are NOT suitable if you have:​ Dry or cracked lips --- Ensure they are smooth & hydrated prior to treatment ​ You are NOT suitable if you had/have (or planning to have): Very sensitive skin / Undiagnosed allergies Keloid or hypertrophic scarring Seizures / blackouts Thinned blood or history of heavy bleeding Fresh tan or sunburn on the treated area High blood pressure --- not under control Diabetes --- not under control High anxiety --- not under control Heart condition --- not under control Major dental work --- 2 weeks before/after Vaccinations --- 2 weeks before/after Skincare products containing acids (including Lactic, Glycolic, Salicylic, Citric, Mandelic etc) --- 1 week before/after Skincare products that accelerate skin cell turnover (includes Retinol, Retinoids, Retinal, Tretinoin, Bakuchiol etc) --- 2 weeks before/after Invasive cosmetic procedures (including Botox, Filler, Dissolver, PRP, Threads etc) --- 4 weeks before/after Semi-invasive cosmetic treatments (including chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, needling --- 4 weeks before/after Facial surgery --- 3 months before Accutane / Isotretinoin / Prescribed acne medication --- 12 months before ​ ​ You are NOT suitable, however you may proceed at your own risk with or with Doctors written permission: An auto-immune disease Previous trauma to the lips Metabolise anesthetic quickly Moles / scars / lumps in the area being treated Antibiotics --- 1 month before/after Steroid injection --- 1 month before/after Oral steroid medication --- 6 weeks before Chemo/radiation --- 12 months before
  • [MUST READ] What is the PRE-CARE guide for Lip Tattoos?
    4 Weeks Prior: No cosmetic procedures/treatments around the mouth 2 Weeks Prior: Stop applying any skincare products to the lower face that accelerate skin cell turnover (includes Retinol, Retinoids, Retinal, Tretinoin, Bakuchiol etc) 1 Week Prior Stop applying any skincare products that contain acid exfoliants (including Lactic, Glycolic, Salicylic, Citric, Mandelic etc) For 5 Days leading up to appointment Exfoliate lips with a sugar scrub Keep moisturised Keep hydrated (drink water) 2 Days Prior No oral anti-inflammatories (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Aspirin, Disprin, Voltaren, Diclofenac etc) No topical anti-inflammatory creams/gels (ANYWHERE on body!) Avoid any herbs/spices that thin the blood (turmeric, ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, ginkgo biloba etc) Limit overly salty foods 24 Hours Prior No alcohol, opioids or marijuana ​ Night before / Morning of Wash hair (as exposure to long showers will be limited for 3 days) Day of Appointment Strictly no smoking/vaping Eat a meal containing fats beforehand (helps with pain tolerance) Arrive with a rested heart rate Empty your bladder beforehand Apply 1mm thick numbing cream to lips 45mins prior to appointment. Cover with 2 small pieces of plastic wrap. Arrive to appointment still in place Kindly, please consider your oral and body hygiene as our staff work very closely to you for a lengthy period of time. Please also do not wear perfume to your appointment as strong scents can cause headaches. For a full list of contraindications, read the FAQ 'Am I A Good Candidate for Lip Tattoo'. If you have ever had Fever Blisters or Cold Sores you will need additional instructions on how to help prevent an outbreak. This information will be provided at your consultation.
  • [MUST READ] What is the AFTER-CARE guide for Lip Tattoos?
    Day of Treatment ✔️ Ice-compress (10 mins on / 10 mins off) until swelling subsides ✔️ Sleep on a fresh pillowslip For 7 Days (or until fully healed) ✔️ Apply Aftercare Balm several times a day ✔️ Stay hydrated (drink lots of water) ❌ No makeup / sunscreen / moisturiser on Lips ❌ No swimming / saunas / spas / long showers ❌ No sun exposure ❌ No pulling / picking / scratching ❌ No kissing ❌ No food/beverages high in salt, spice, acidity, temperature Until your lips are fully healed DO NOT touch them with unclean hands! This can introduce bacteria to the area which can lead to infection ☹ Complimentary Aftercare Balm is supplied at every appointment to help you care for your fresh lips. Itchy? Tingly? Stingy? A cold sore may be developing. Seek treatment ASAP from your local Chemist or Doctor. Do not delay in seeking appropriate treatment as a cold sore can pull the pigment out of the lip as it’s considered another fresh wound in the area.
  • How does Lip Blush HEAL?
    Everyone's healing will slightly differ, however there are typical signs of the lip healing process: Day 0-1 Bold vibrant colour, more plump than usual. Sensitive/tender to touch. Day 2-7 Lips feel dry initially, then they will flake/peel (see diagram below). Day 4-7 Lips healed. Colour may be 50-80% of original intensity, then "bloom" to their true/final colour 4-12 weeks later (depending on skin tone) Week 6/12 Return for the Topup appointment to build on the colour density and make any minor adjustments 💥Fascinating tip: Lip colours can change depending on time of day and your levels of hydration 😉
  • How long after having Lip Blush can I DONATE BLOOD?
    Australian Red Cross states that you have to wait seven (7) days to donate blood after having a cosmetic tattoo by a licensed tattoo professional in Australia. If the tattoo is done overseas or by an unlicensed tattooist, then the wait time is four (4) months. Full information can be read here: . Erin from Daisy Skin operates from council approved premises, is trained, insured and uses the highest quality equipment and pigments, therefore is considered a licensed cosmetic tattooist.
  • I've had COLDSORES or FEVER BLISTERS previously, can I still get Lip Blush?
    The cold sore virus, known as Herpes Simplex Virus, can be triggered by mental stress or physical stress to the lips (such as sunburn or dry, chapped lips). Similar to sunburn, the Lip Tattoo procedure can reactivate the dormant Herpes Simplex Virus, transitioning it from a dormant state to an active state. This reactivation results in a cold sore outbreak. Having blisters or cold sores during the healing process is not ideal because the newly placed pigment can be disturbed, potentially leading to scarring and an uneven tattoo. During your consultation, we will ask if you’ve ever had a cold sore. If you answer “yes,” we’ll provide specific information to help prevent a blister or cold sore outbreak. If you’re unsure or can’t remember, we encourage you to answer “yes.” Your well-being and beautiful lips are our priority!
  • Can a Lip Tattoo cover FORDYCE SPOTS?
    Fordyce Spots are pale spots caused by enlarged sebaceous (oil) glands. Lip Blush tattoo can effectively conceal Fordyce Spots, but it’s essential to obtain clearance from your doctor if they are raised.
  • Where do I ORDER my NUMBING CREAMS for Lip Tattoo?
    Numbing Creams, otherwise known as Topical Anaesthetics, are used before and throughout the Lip Tattoo procedure so that you are comfortable at all times. Once your appointment has been confirmed, please proceed to order two (2) different numbing agents for your procedure. ​ ----- Geraldton clients: Pharmacy 194 on Durlacher Street - example below: For Perth clients: Our trusted supplier, Your Discount Chemist, is a compounding pharmacy in NSW that specialises in safe formulations for all cosmetic tattoos.​ Numbing Creams will be express shipped via Fasttrack. The online order process can be done here. Select the following options: Post to your address ​ Pre-Numbing Cream - 1 mL During Procedure Numbing Gel - 1 mL ​ ​ Forward the email order confirmation to ----- For Geraldton clients: 'Pharmacy 194' on Durlacher St is a compounding pharmacy who can supply 1.5ml Pre Numb Cream, and 1.5ml During Numb Gel for around $9 each. No script is required, however the client must purchase their own numbing agents. These numbing creams are suitable for the lip region. Remember to bring the During Numb Gel with you to the appointment as this will be applied throughout the appointment. Please do not purchase over-the-counter 5% strength numbing creams. Here's an example of what the numbing cream packets look like:
CIT precare
forehead texture and tone improvements after treatment

- Texture improved

- Tone improved

- Wrinkles reduced

Sun damage reversal on chest

- Brighter skin

- Pigmentation reduced

- Capillaries reduced


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